Dealing with OSX
It’s 5:00-ish coming back from work, my computer is off, really unusual I have to admit, it takes a couple of seconds to start, thanks to my fusion drive made with a HDD and a SSD, and then the screen shows a strange icon…
If you have been lucky enough you don’t have any idea of what this means, let me tell you that’s your computer saying that there ISN’T a valid startup folder, troubles, when your computer is saying something about startup means, in human, that you just lose the keys of your “car” and you will stay a little more stuck in this desert called HELL.
This happen kinda 3 weeks ago, lucky me, I just bought a external HDD a month ago, so I had a Time Machine backup, so all my pictures and videos of my trip were safe, kinda safe cuz now my computer is working only with a SSD of 128 gb, and only my videos folder is 300 gb, after a couple of tests, and spits and kicks, I found the problem, fixed for a couple of minutes, really just a couple of minutes, I spent more time re-installing El Capitan than open the computer and trying to re attach the loose drive.
Not the most fancy way of fixit but work for… like 20 minutes.
Da Problem
For some strange reason when I replace the Superdrive (optical drive), and put a caddie for another HDD, I bought a really cheap chinese product without any finesse, cuz the HDD it’s getting loose randomnly, and if you know, probably not, a FusionDrive it’s a logical fusion, DUH!, of two drives, so the OS believe that’s only one Disk instead of two, so when one get disconected… well pretty much is the end of your OS. But Why is such a good deal do this?:
- The space of a HDD.
- The speed of a SSD.
- A really good old NES game.
- Sometimes you have this kind of problems, really stupid anyway.
Well now I’m in Orlando so I have more time and better conditions to fix this little problem in a proper way, but, kids let’s see what we learn:
Time Machine
This is a really good tool to backup all your important data, and the best is not only that the backup at the moment of being loaded it’s like a mirror of your old computer, keeping everything on is place (all your desktop garbage will be there again) it’s that all your files aren’t encapsulated in strange files or zips they are just folders, again with this strange numberthinguie that OSX loves, but at the end those numbers are just the date of the backups, everything it’s easy to copy and paste…
disclaimer: Apple isn’t paying me anything but I recommend to use Time machine, specially if you are a TERMINALHUMAN it’s very easy to mess up some things
Cheap stuff from China
Sometimes, those 10 USD can make the diffence of being eating pizza with your mates or spend your time fixing your computer showing to everyone your true self, THE NERD.
Was thinking of “mirroring” all my posts into Medium, cuz has better tools for writing than Brackets and also a better sharing and commenting (that word even exist?) features, but it make no sense cuz I dont write so often and not about really important things, well now I want to document every step of my little “Orlando Project: Packer’s Life” a kinda of game about the packhouse, probably I will mirror those.. nahhhh, kiss kiss good bye medium