disclaimer: this isn’t about Mad Max Fury Road, it’s about the second part of the road trip through the south island, mini review of mad max, it’s like Caffeine with Coke and Redbull for the eyes, E X P L O S I O N S.
The journy continues
If you don’t understand anything of what I’m talking, I suggest to read the previous entry FURY ROAD I, If you still don’t understand, sorry my english it no so goo.
Castle Hill
This place is cool, nothing else to say, besides this panorama. and the video.
Christchurch - Akaroa
Christchurch the land of the eternal and really well paid jobs that everyone has except of you, again 2/3 of the party has been already here in the past, and was our next stop after ending the Fury Road Trip, anyway guess who was that 1/3…
Akaroa was more fun, especially cuz Jeremy was in a explosion of french Emotions, Akaroa is one of the First, or maybe the only, french Community and everything is writted in french, and it’s full of french flags of course I wish there were more french girls than flags, but life it’s sad sometimes. more about Akaroa in it’s own post
STOP EVERYTHING If you have speaked with me you should remember that I’m the less my country is better than yours in this universe, but, pls common what’s that shit about the steppest road in the universe in Dunedin, srsly where I was living in Reñaca I have to climb a steppest road than this one, and I also run the damn thing to get tho class at time (that’s the main reason why I fucked up my knees). I’m tired of your shit Dunedin get your shit together, shualo. Kisses to all the ppl in Dunedin
The best timaru of all the timarus, cheap backpacker and next to the pack’ n save, I know that somewhere is the name of the backpacker and the internet’s password…
The town of the Steampunk, if you love the Steampunk life you will love this place, if not, well yo can skip this town, there’s also a Steampunk museum. Did I say the Steampunk word enough times.
The southest south southering southtown in town, yes it’s at the really south, and that’s all, I even think there’s no people in this place, well if the luck it’s with you, maybe the Aurora Australis will appear in front of you, if not, you can go to this amazing space bathroom where you only have ten minutes to drop the mole.
The only thing to tell of this place, besides it’s beautiful bla bla bla it’s that at this point we ditched the old and comfy tent for 2 persons for a luxury 4 persons tent, so we set up the tent, get comfy, good night fellas…
What time is it?
Yes we are ready to sleep at 4PM, so this was the longest night of our lives, also one of the coldest night ever, and we know that, cuz Jèrèmy was slowly during the night coming from his side to MY SIDE, passing through Jure Side so at morning we are at the same space that in the old notsocomfytent.
and that’s all of our… NO surprise at the next morning when we try to get into the car, SURPRISE the car was FROZEN, so the longest night get more longer…
I will love to have more pictures or even a video, but also my iPhone was FROZEN.
The car get also stuck in the mud, twice, and well I fell in the mud, but with the help of some French dudes, we can go away and went to the last spot…
Look there’s a Foursquare in Queenstown and it’s Fucking expensive, also a lot of expensive stuff to do. E X P E N S I V E.
Next stop… Christchurch but there will be no post for that, because AKAROA ROCKS.